Nowadays being environmentally conscious is just as important as being socially and politically correct. Increasing the positive impacts to our earth and decreasing our carbon footprint will leave our conscious' clean and parties more enjoyable! Take a look at the many ways you can reduce, reuse, and recycle your way into an earth-friendly wedding day!

Live plants are more environmentally friendly than a bouquet of flowers. Two-thirds of cut flowers are grown in South America and Africa, and flown by jet to flower shops around the rest of the world. Refrigeration is required to sustain these cut blooms, which are often delivered by vans once they have become bouquets. You can save the tremendous energy and fuel that goes into a bouquet by choosing a more eco-friendly living plant instead.
Living plants naturally remove carbon dioxide and produce oxygen during the day. Many blooms, like Rozanne, attract bees that can pollinate vegetables and fruit. When you water a living plant, the water is being used to support plant growth; a vase of water for a bouquet is only slightly extending the time until the blooms wilt and fall.

If you want to set the tone of your eco-friendly wedding you can do so by eliminating paper products entirely on your big day. Using only non-toxic ink on 100% recycled paper or using paper made from products that are renewable and sustainable.

Eco and organic fabric biodegrade naturally over time, like this moss aisle or table runner pictured. Synthetic fibers eventually become waste and let off harmful toxins when they degrade. Among all factors, the environmental influence of manufactured materials include exhaust fumes and waste water, materials pollutions, and consumption of energy and water. Those harmful to human safety and health include excessive usage of pesticides, formaldehyde and other chemicals, and air pollution in textile and clothing plants.

The sustainable design philosophy that has permeated the mainstream world of luxury fashion has also entered the realm of bridal wear, and there’s now an increasing number of designers determined to make gorgeous gowns that don’t cost the earth. Repurposing vintage material and utilizing eco friendly fabrics are ways to ensure your dress will be fashion forward and earth conscious

Wild flowers are a great alternative to cut bouquets! Miriam Goldberger from Mother Earth News states it best: “Here are a few of the things they are doing for us and have been doing for eons:
Attracting and sustaining beneficial wildlife (the pollinators and other creatures essential to keeping the plant and animal kingdom – and us – going). Creating extensive recycling, composting, land repurposing and self-regulating water filtration systems. Mastering extreme weather survival. Developing a continent-wide erosion control program. Nurturing the expansion of a wide range of living organisms. A few other things to know about them: they don’t require watering or fertilizing and they filter pollutants and regulate the air quality. Their monetary value is incalculable, both for the food production that they enable and for the services they render to the ecology of the planet.”

Plantable eco-friendly confetti is a great choice. Give wedding guests these to toss instead of paper products. It makes a huge impression without leaving a mess. Perfectly biodegradable and embedded with wildflower seeds, (see previous slide), so what is left over will soon be beautiful flowers.

Cutting waste at your wedding is a great way to shrink the size of your wedding's carbon footprint. Therefore using products that require little packaging and are multipurpose are key! Mason jars can not only be a cute escort card but can double as personalized glassware for your guest's drinks all night long. Guests can also take them home as a favor!

Disposable tableware doesn't have to be bad for the environment! There are a wide variety of tableware options that don't harm the environment. Bamboo tableware is sustainably grown, organically, without fertilizers, cured, then hand cut and peeled. It can be tossed directly into your organic compost, making it a natural choice for an earth-friendly celebration. Biodegradable plates, bowls, cups and cutlery, are all made with technology that doesn't create any chemical pollution. They are microwaveable, can be refrigerated, are water and oil proof, shelf stable and compostable.
Plan your perfect table setting with a wide variety of green tableware options for your wedding.

Succulents are a wonderful and extremely eco-friendly addition to any garden or planter and are booming in popularity for two simple reasons: they are beautiful and they are nearly indestructible.
Technically, a succulent is any plant with thick, fleshy (succulent) water storage organs. Succulents store water in their leaves, their stems or their roots. These plants have adapted to survive arid conditions throughout the world, from Africa to the deserts of North America.
Giving these plants as favors will provide guests with a beautiful opportunity to go green at home!

All construction activity, including painting and decorating, has an impact on the environment. In recent times, prompted by impending legislation, the construction industry is realising that it has a huge part to play – both in causing environmental damage and in helping to restore the balance. In order to further deplete the harm that these processes have costed try using biodegradable or edible materials to decorate your event!

If you need to rent charter buses or small cars, see if the company you want to use has hybrid options. Fuel efficient cars, or electric vehicles will help reduce toxic fumes released into the air resulting in lower air pollution.

Try finding a catering company that is committed to utilizing the "farm-to-table" process. Buying organically grown, local produce and sourcing from companies that eliminate animal bio-waste. Many companies also work with composting programs to reduce their waste, and some even donate their leftover food to programs that serve the poor.

Placing recycling bins throughout your wedding is a simple, understated reminder to guests that your event is green without shoving it in their faces. This easy option requires little to no expense and will give your guests the opportunity to be environmentally conscious on their own!

Image Credits:
Wedding Savvy | Country Living | Mind Body Green | Etsy | Project Wedding | Style Me Pretty | Mandy Owens Photography | June Bug Weddings | Whimsical Wonderland Weddings | Google |